

英 ['veɪdəl]
美 ['veɪdl]


  • vi.


  • 英英释义

    wedel[ 'veidəl ]

    •, alternating directions



    Effects of bariatric surgery on mortality in Swedish obese subjects
    Meta-analysis of how well measures of bone density predict occurrence of osteoporotic fractures. Br Med J
    Reduction in incidence of diabetes, hypertension and lipid disturbances after intentional weight loss induced by bariatric surgery: ...
    For the HOTStudy Group, effect of intensive blood pressure lowering and low dose asprin in patients with hypertension: Principal res...
    Bariatric Surgery and Long-term Cardiovascular Events
    Market Segmentation: Conceptual and Methodological Foundations
    Diabetes clinical trials: helped or hindered by the current shift in regulatory requirements?
    Lipoprotein Changes and Reduction in the Incidence of Major Coronary Heart Disease Events in the Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival S...
    Rationale, design, methods and baseline demography of participants of the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial. ASCOT investiga...
    Prognostic value of angiographic indices of coronary artery disease from the Coronary Artery Surgery Study (CASS).